Another Year Ender
Immediately after I had uploaded the last blog, Su noticed that I had missed out quite a few events in that edition that she thought were significant. She even questioned whether it signaled the onset of Alzheimer. In response, I said that the list was meant to be indicative of our busy scheduled during that period, rather than a comprehensive record of what we had done together or individually. I suggested that maybe I could write a supplement.
The first and rather memorable event was the New Year Day Children Party at KCC which we went with the entire family of my godson. This is an annual signature event of KCC, featuring Flat Races, 3 Legged Races and Obstacle Race from under four years old to 13, with separate events organized for varying age ranges and for boys and girls separately. We had taken our friends’ children there before, including the family of our godson Will when he and his brother were very small. This time round, Shirley, the mother had taken the initiative and had asked me to enroll her two children for various races, with which I happily complied. We all arrived shortly after 11am and were lucky to have secured a window-side table overlooking the field. It was drizzling at times and windy, but the children enjoyed it. They had hardly finished their brunches before they dashed onto the main field and explored whatever game stalls and side events available. Both kids picked up beginner cricket. They were both first-timers, but both appeared to display some talents, for the coach was very impressed with their skills and efforts. Towards the end of the day, they were offered places in the training class for junior cricketeers.
Back to the main events, both kids signed up for all three race categories and had a great time, skinning their limbs a bit though. To cut the long story short, my godson Will won three medals, one each in gold, silver and bronze. His younger brother Matt didn’t win anything, except some prizes at the game stalls, and had a great time nonetheless. The day ended with the traditional Lucky Draw. We had bought some tickets which won some prizes, which we asked the kids to take home. All in all, it was a thoroughly enjoyable and memorable day. We vowed to do it again next year, when Matt would be older and more competitive to win trophies.
Fast track to yesterday, we spent another great day with the family in their newly furnished home, trying out Shirley’s culinary skills as the adults seeped champagne overlooking a breathing-taking sea view on a bright and sunny afternoon. We all had a very relaxing time and Su and I promised to visit them more often. I had to leave early for another event, but Su stayed for a beautiful sunset.
Back to the last Sunday in 2024, Portia and Su had lined up the date for a quick get together in Mei Foo with the specific agenda of fitting out a dress designed by a Singaporean lady using Indonesian Batik. Su had worn to a Rotary party that dress, with which the girls felt so happy, so much so that Portia in particular was determined to order an identical or similar one from Singapore, but would first have a fitting on Su’s. Portia was excited that she fitted admirably in it and presently placed the order through the internet. Portia also bought some turnip cakes which she pan-fried and had some wines and bubblies after which she invited us both to join a Rotary Year End Party the following evening at the same Holly Restaurant at Jordan. We did, met some friends, had a great time, and took home some left-over food which we later consumed at home, over a few days.
Looking back at the diary, the following week was chockablock, with most lunch and dinner slots filled up, so that I had to push back to Sunday an appointment my internet provider asked for during the week. The technician arrived as scheduled and did a good job. He coincidentally discovered the vinyl discs collection and was noticeably impressed by what he saw and heard on the sound system over which Su had recently made significant improvements. Su had tried to use the Receiver to watch movies on YouTube or the TV networks. Through trial and error, if not sheer luck, she managed to make most speakers work, after which we discovered to our delight that the phono mode could also work for most vinyl discs. It was a breakthrough indeed, for which we are happy.
That brings us to last week, or the week which just ended, when once again, the diary was chockablock. Monday night, Mo had invited to a special dinner at Country Club two or three scores of friends whom he wanted to thank for a very minor favour. In the end, only fewer than a dozen could turn up and I was lucky to be one of them. The food was great, as were the wines and whiskies. On Wednesday, Su asked me to join her over an after-work drinks party with her ex-colleagues, at American Club in Central. It was 50% for all drinks, or buy-one-get-one-free, and I took full advantage of the system, and more. Su and I decided to have dinner and we shared a good steak between us, after making sure that we would pay for our shares with PayMe. Then, on Friday, we had dinner with two of our favourite mentees at a new-found eatery on Lockhart Road, aptly named “Best Chiu Chow Restaurant.” Su took a 2014 Margaux there which was good value.
In between, on Wednesday, before we set off for the American Club, we walked the flower stalls in Mei Foo and bought a beautiful pot of blossoming orchids, with at least 50% of the buds yet to blossom. Then on Friday, I went to my nephew’s wife floral shop in Admiralty to collect three bulbs of narcissus, which began to flower the following day, which was yesterday. We are very happy with our exploits, which boded well for an auspicious Year of the Snake coming up. In the meantime, I also managed to update the welcome page of my website, with remote help from my young friend Marco.
On this happy note, I would end my special edition of a sort of Year Ender for the Lunar Year about to end and send my best wishes to all of you out there for a joyful, prosperous and mindful Year of the Snake.