August in Hong Kong

Su has always said that she found August in Hong Kong too hot for her constitution such that she won’t venture out of her flat until sundown. Facebook reminded us that we did not spend too much of August in Hong Kong, except for last year perhaps when we had a virtual lockdown due to…

Farewell Scenes

An article on this week’s Post Magazine with the title “Gone for Good” discussed the recent goodbye scenes at Chek Lap Kok Airport as people – mainly young people – left Hong Kong for London, probably for good. Similar stories had been aired on TV last week as people tried to beat the UK deadline…

Life is a Journey

That is the opening line and paragraph of a first person report by Naomi Osaka on 8 July 2021 when the 23-year old talked to Time magazine of her life experience in general and of her first Olympics amidst other priorities – like mental health and why sports needs to change – in particular, which…

Life is to be Enjoyed

There were no surprises in the just published 6-monthly UK report on Hong Kong which said that the National People’s Congress acted unilaterally on electoral changes in Hong Kong; and as expected, the report attracted fierce and robust reaction from China and the SAR Government, with the latter protesting that foreign governments should not attempt…

A New Beginning

The front page of today’s SCMP brought readers two landmark news items – Lawmakers approve Bill to overhaul electoral system and HK records zero new daily infections for the first time in seven months – franked by a third on resumption of talks between China and US which both sides hailed as “a step forward”. …