
Letter from Queen Mary

I can hear it, “Queen Mary?” Yes, this is none other than the Queen Mary Hospital, which must be fast becoming an institution of Hong Kong, of the collective memory category. This was where both my children were born, where Rosita spent her last month and where I bade farewell to quite a few friends….


The Man on The Way

I did not exactly receive overwhelming response to my last letter, at which point Su suggested that I should upload a few images which might attract more attention. So in between siestas, some pictures appeared on Facebook yesterday, which did attract comments. Alas, maybe I should retire my letters column. But I am a die…


To Spain and Back

I have been telling friends that we are going on El Camino, or The Way in English. This is one of the ultimate routes any pilgrim worth the name would attempt to take, time, energies and resources allowing. It is in the north of Spain, originating from the French Pyrenees and going from east to…


To Myanmar And Back

Su and I were in Myanmar recently for eight days. We were on a study tour organized by the Alumni Association of HKU’s Centre of Buddhist Studies. For a change, we did not take with us any electronic communications equipment on the trip for we were briefed beforehand that they might not be too useful…